Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Time Flies...

As much time as I still spend at the computer, I can't find enough time to sit down and write a full post. Although I feel like I have retained much of my wit and personality through this life changing event, maybe I have lost some of that logic I was so fond of.

Things have been going as well as they can for someone who popped out a kid (ok, not technically) almost 6 weeks ago. I've gotten back into a diet and exercise routine, but have cheated a few times (okay...more than a few?). I've got 8lbs left till my pre pregnancy weight and then another 20 or so till my first goal. Not that it is at the forefront of my battle, blood pressure is still my main focus. The medication is working and I'm on a new herbal formula as well. Hopefully with the weight loss and nutrition, I can begin to see some normalcy out of this whole ordeal.

As a mommy, life has it's moments where you're sure this is what you were meant to do (like right now with my little munchkin sleeping on my chest) and others where you're not sure how you ever were duped into keeping the thing (like at 3am when he won't stop crying). You hear it from a hundred people, it's bittersweet.

Life is very hot and cold right now. Some days, I can't even believe this child is mine (can you blame me? he looks NOTHING like me). Others, all I want to do is snuggle with my little baby boy and I can't get enough of the times like that. I spend most of my day in my pj pants and only find the motivation to get out of the house a few times a week. I'm sure the sleep deprivation doesn't help.

But overall, it's not as bad as I thought it would be. Sounds weird right? I thought being a mommy would cause tears and heartache and I would never get any sleep. But I get a few hours here and there and I've managed to elude the monster known as Postpartum Depression. I think I probably deserve a break in that realm, after all I went through to get this little guy into the world.

I'm excited for the things coming up. I feel full of life again. Brian and I are going out as a couple for the first time again to see Zabiela over Memorial Day weekend. We're also going to Electric Daisy Carnival for my birthday and Sara and I have plans to see Hurt to celebrate each other's birthdays. On top of all that, I've been having a lot of fun getting out of the house with Davin and just feeling FREE again (free as in bed rest, not pregnancy!)

I'll try to update more often, next time I'll update with some of Davin's milestones (already!)

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