Davin Michael Lucas
10 Months on 2/7/09
Weight: 19lbs
I noticed that most mommies who had a baby blog were DILIGENT in updating until about 6 months, then everything stopped. I couldn't understand why....I swore that wouldn't be me. Lo and behold....it's been 5 months since I updated this thing!
Why? Well...there are a lot of different reasons. Six months is a pretty good age. They start babbling and moving around. They also start playing more and won't be content to just sit in their swing while you update the world about how awesome they are. Between eating and playing, there isn't much time for anything else.
Another reason, my business. I started a photography business awhile back. After a long haul of advertising, shooting nearly free sessions and plugging away at trying to start out in a terrible community....I finally started getting business. Albiet not 20 clients every week....sometimes not even one a week, but enough to keep me constantly busy between the little one and something I absolutely love to do.
So....back to Davin.
At 6 months Davin was sitting unsupported. He started eating a huge variety of foods and generally was a happy baby. We got our first tooth that month and experienced the joys of a tooth actually pushing through (there's a difference between teething and the tooth coming through- you learn that quickly!)
At 7 months Davin was much more curious. He loved to explore things that were in his hands. He was switching objects back and forth between two hands and was already feeding himself and drinking out of a sippy cup.
At 8 months, I was starting to get concerned that he was not interested in crawling. We had a great Christmas and he got thoroughly spoiled on toys and attention. He was starting to pull himself up on objects with assistance but still had no interest in getting around. By 8 months he was clearly saying "Mama and Dada" to us and had developed quite an attitude and personality.
At 9 months, he went for a checkup. I was still worried he didn't want to crawl, but the doctor assured me not to worry. He was 18lbs 4oz and was given the go ahead to switch from baby food to table food. He was already trying to eat whatever we were eating anyways!
Right before his 10 month mark, he figured out how to crawl at Grandma's house. It was a relief and a celebration.
Now that he is crawling- he is still not "getting in to everything". He's slow and steady and more interested in playing with small toys or fine motor activities.
His vocabulary has expanded to mama, dada, ba (bottle), buba (his newest nickname w/daddy and I), and yay! He also tries to say more, but it sounds a lot like mom.
He is extremely interested in walking but has not completely figured out crusing yet. He wants us to hold his hands all the way around the house.
I can't think of much else to add, I can't believe his birthday is a little over a month away!
1 comment:
Y'know, I told myself the same thing. When Bella started talking, I made a point to log every word she said. I did this up until she turned 2 and then life just got too busy. Besides, her vocabulary grows so much each day that it's hard to keep up.
Gavin is definitely right on track. just wait until he starts walking and running. That's when you start telling people, "Who needs a gym when you've got a toddler?!"
Motherhood is a wonderful blessing.
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