I would say that, "time is flying by" but that would partly be a lie. There are times it seems like the days are just melting together and going by fast and there are others I wake up exhausted, wondering when I'll get a break.
Motherhood is not easy, that's for sure.
He's a great baby. He hardly ever fusses, I get some grunts and maybe even a short cry when he's hungry, cold or being changed. Other than those brief uncomfortable times, he's calm as can be. I can't even imagine what life would be like with a fussy baby.
The days do get a little routine and mundayne with a baby, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
I'm so happy for you!! I'm glad your BP is getting better. Motherhood isn't easy, this is true, but we wouldn't trade it for the world.
He's lovely and I'm glad your BP is getting better. I hope everything else is going well, too!
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