Monday, April 28, 2008

3 Weeks


There have been so many things going on it has felt like we were going to crack. Brian's aunt passing, my health, Davin having issues with his formula (and subsequently not sleeping much) and the list continues. Brian and I both fell apart this weekend and took it out on each other at the end. It was a nasty battle, but I'm hopeful it will be the last one for a long time.

We're both so emotionally and physically exhausted that we let everything just blow up.

I don't have a 3 week photo of the little one yet, I'm planning on taking some photos for his announcements either tomorrow or later this week. I'll post one.

Thankfully we're taking care of everything, one step at a time. Brian's Aunt's funeral is on Wednesday. We got Davin on a new formula and it seems to be working much better. I went to see a new doctor today who got me on a new prescription (less medication) and gave me some good advice.

Life will get less chaotic, it'll just take awhile.


Ezraiya said...

Things like this will happen, but they will make your relationship stronger. Hang in there sweetie.

Kristen Tyler said...

Wow ... what a crazy journey its been heh. But at least you have an adorable little baby to show for it! :) It'll get easier :)

My friend had her baby and he didn't sleep through the night for the first six months. They were walking zombies. Their baby was a fusser 24/7... I saw how rough that was.

Glad i got to see the little fuzziehead at Hapa for a sec! can't wait to see how cute he gets as he gets bigger!