Sunday, July 13, 2008

Feeling Grateful

I know, most of my posts lately have been links. Not cool.

Here's another one. A girl in my Denver playgroup wrote this. I had not gotten to know her or her daughter, but saw the link when looking for the next play date.

I read this journal entry and of course, it tugged at my heart.

Any other mommy can relate to almost feeling guilty after reading this. You get so caught up in life that you forget how blessed you really are. When your baby wakes up crying, you get annoyed that you can't have just another hour of sleep. Or when your husband won't get off the couch to make you a bottle, you feel overwhelmed and unappreciated.

But what if there was no cry over that baby monitor, or no baby to make a bottle for? What if you were given long enough with your child to create a lasting bond and begin to dream of the future- only to get it ripped away?

Instead of feeling guilt, feel blessed.

We get these stupid "live for today" chain emails all of the time. They're supposed to be sappy and make us emotional, to remind us that we should be thankful for what we have. But it hits so much closer to home here- this story is real. There are photos to go along with the names.

Maybe, even if it's just for tonight, I'll kiss Davin a couple more times. I'll take more care in the way I lay him in his crib and I won't get upset when he cries for me. Sure there will still be days where I'm overwhelmed, feeling unappreciated or annoyed- but today won't be one of them.

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