Well, I had wanted this to be in an email but it's much easier to add photos and videos using this blog format.
I know there are many of you reading this update that haven't heard much over the past few months and I am very sorry! I do update this blog regularly with information about our little guy and you are always welcome to come and read what's going on. For those of you who haven't even met him yet, I'm hoping that we see you soon, he's growing so fast!
Davin will be 5 months on the 7th of September and yes, by October we will have made it halfway through his first year. Everyone tells you it goes by so fast, but you really just don't understand it until you have one of your own.
Davin is a fairly content child. If he is crying, most of the time it's because he is hungry. He will almost always crack a smile for you and lately he has been a fan of laughing if someone makes a goofy face at him. He's a huge mama's boy, but he warms up to other people pretty quickly.
Davin's Milestones:
-First Smile: around 5 weeks old (no, it wasn't gas! this kid smiles ALL the time!)
-Holding His Head up: around 3 months
-First Solid Food: Avocados @ 3 1/2 Months
-Rolling Over: 3 1/2 Months (tummy to back) 4 Months (back to tummy)
He still doesn't have a lot of "favorites". He eats pretty much anything, fruits and veggies alike. He does seem to have an attachment to his little stuffed dog rattle.
Sleeping through the night, taking decent naps, not a picky eater, fairly content....I think we made out pretty well.
Here's his stats:
Birth: 5lbs, 5oz- 18 1/4" Not on the charts %

1 Month: 7lbs (approx) 19" 5th % (h&w)
2 Months: 9lbs (approx) 21"
3 Months: 11lbs 8oz, 23" 25th % (h&w)
4 Months: 13lbs 20z, 24" 25th % (h&w)
I know there are many of you reading this update that haven't heard much over the past few months and I am very sorry! I do update this blog regularly with information about our little guy and you are always welcome to come and read what's going on. For those of you who haven't even met him yet, I'm hoping that we see you soon, he's growing so fast!
Davin will be 5 months on the 7th of September and yes, by October we will have made it halfway through his first year. Everyone tells you it goes by so fast, but you really just don't understand it until you have one of your own.
Davin is a fairly content child. If he is crying, most of the time it's because he is hungry. He will almost always crack a smile for you and lately he has been a fan of laughing if someone makes a goofy face at him. He's a huge mama's boy, but he warms up to other people pretty quickly.
Davin's Milestones:
-First Smile: around 5 weeks old (no, it wasn't gas! this kid smiles ALL the time!)
-Holding His Head up: around 3 months
-First Solid Food: Avocados @ 3 1/2 Months
-Rolling Over: 3 1/2 Months (tummy to back) 4 Months (back to tummy)
He still doesn't have a lot of "favorites". He eats pretty much anything, fruits and veggies alike. He does seem to have an attachment to his little stuffed dog rattle.
Sleeping through the night, taking decent naps, not a picky eater, fairly content....I think we made out pretty well.
Here's his stats:
Birth: 5lbs, 5oz- 18 1/4" Not on the charts %

1 Month: 7lbs (approx) 19" 5th % (h&w)

2 Months: 9lbs (approx) 21"

3 Months: 11lbs 8oz, 23" 25th % (h&w)

4 Months: 13lbs 20z, 24" 25th % (h&w)

And here are a few videos for you guys!
Davin rolling over at 3 1/2 months.
Davin in his Jumperoo at 3 1/2 months.
You can access photos of Davin at
Davin rolling over at 3 1/2 months.
Davin in his Jumperoo at 3 1/2 months.
You can access photos of Davin at
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